February 20, 2009
Fine Art Friday – Deborah Dewit Marchant
Evenings at Home, Deborah Dewit Marchant
Friday Nights, Deborah Dewit MarchantSometimes when my son asks, “What movie are we going to watch tonight?” my response is, “Let’s have a reading evening instead.” We three get a book, get comfy, have a cuppa something, and read away. With two talkers and one listener in the room, there are bound to be interruptions. “Listen to this!” or “Did you know…?” There is something cozy about sharing the experience of reading instead of sharing the experience of watching.Certain authors “get” the reading life. Their descriptions resonate and reverberate; they make you nod in agreement. Reading a book like The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society inspires you to read more.Likewise some artists understand the power and glory of reading books. Deb Dewit Marchant is an artist with a passion for reading, writing, cats and nature. Check out the link; look into the nooks and crannies and you will find treasures galore. My favorite page is the Reader’s Collection in the Note Cards section. The Writer’s Series is wonderful. Lots to love, people, lots to love.
Hat tip to Janie for introducing me to Dewit Marchant’s art. And thank you Deborah for permission to post your art. I see a string of Fine Art Fridays ahead.
Comments (8)
I grew up in a family of readers, led by my pastor-dad, who was constantly reading out loud, whether at the dinner table during a formal devotional time, or reading stories to us kids (LOTR, Narnia, etc.), or as time went on, anyone who wandered through the room he was in would be treated to a reading on some theological topic. He hasn’t changed much, though his audience has dwindled to just mom (and the grandchildren who live nearby get to hear him read too). I used to read aloud so much more to the kids, but once they started reading themselves, reading time became more of an everyone in their own corner with their nose in a book kind of thing. I do miss the shared experience though, and like your idea of reading together…
I LOVE this art!!! Oh, my goodness, now I want to order one of each card…
Oh, I love those! And I love reading together with someone to listen to my comments. Luke is my best reading companion and what I miss most about him is our reading and thinking running conversations. It always takes me awhile to adjust when he leaves after a visit.
Oh my. I LOVE this artwork.Thanks so much for highlighting and sharing as it does look like an incredible amount to love, as you said!
I’m so glad you highlighted Dewit Marchant again. I remember that Janie highlighted her, but had forgotten about her …. the inviting poses of readers and the cats: perfect gifts for certain family members!
Okay, do you like her enough to buy (aka purchase) any of her books, notecards, or calendars? I’ve printed out an order form, browsed at Amazon, added a few titles at PaperbackSwap, but havent actually spent any money yet
I’m planning on buying some note cards. I have books on my wish list at PBS. Like you, though, I haven’t spent any money….yet.